
Unseamly in Boulder is a creative quilting group in Boulder, CO.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum Reception for Gingham Dogs and Calico Cats

Sharon, Michael (Sharon's husband), Denny and Cynthia attended the opening reception for the RMQM show. Sharon's 2 pieces showed very nicely and the opening was well attended, buzzing with activity, good food and pet treats to take home.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

"Turtle Tapa" Chez Sharon

We never know what will spark our creative spirit. During the frigid Colorado weather, Sharon began with a turtle tapa post card and is in the process of creating a wonderful palm tree quilt. (See work in progress below.)

Friday, January 05, 2007

Pennie's end-of-year projects

I had promised myself that by December 2006 I would finish several quilt projects that had been sitting on a shelf for a bit. I came pretty close to reaching that goal, but was sidelined by a flu during the holidays. So I decided that I would count the first week of 2007 as my grace period and finish everything I could possibly finish in those first 7 days of the new year. I'm posting just one image right now since I'm on a dialup connection and I don't want to sit here for two hours waiting for things to cycle through.